CLC Technologies

Ready Packaged Products
Genfil protec, a new technological product in fire extinguishing, is effective in extinguishing all kinds of fires and increases the extinguishing power of water. When sprayed as foam, the extinguishing effect increases even more. It mixes completely with water and does not form a precipitate. It can be easily filled into fire extinguishers and used.
Due to its film-forming properties, it has a durability of 1 to 6 hours depending on the concentration ratio. It has high adhesion and adhesion ability to the surface.
It is effective in fuel and chemical fires. It extinguishes the fire, cools it, and cleans oil and fuel pollution.
In fuel and chemical fires, it extinguishes the fire and at the same time minimizes the risk of explosion. During quenching, it micronizes the water and surrounds the hydrocarbon particles. By penetrating deep into the fire, it completely cuts off the contact of the hydrocarbon with oxygen, absorbs the heat of the fire, and throws it out through evaporation, preventing further combustion. It also reduces the toxic and irritating effects of smoke produced during fire. Thanks to its high cooling feature, it is also used in metal fires.
Genfil Protec is a biological fire extinguisher produced from plant sap and plant resins. While extinguishing the fire, it also encapsulates the oil-related pollution in the water, keeps it on the water surface and biodegrades it. Genfil protec is fully biodegradable and also biodegrades spilled fuel and prevents re-burning.
Genfil Protec is diluted with water and used at a rate of 2% - 6% depending on fire classes. One product is sufficient for all fire types. Genfil Protec has no harmful effects on natural life. It is an environmentally friendly, recyclable product.
GENFİL Protec Foam Agent is mixed with water at a rate of 2% - 6%, depending on its intended use, and filled into the fire extinguisher tube. Foam is created with the (Air system) in the tube.
If produced with a foam production generator, a solution is created by mixing 2% - 2.5% Concentrated Genfil Foam agent into water. This solution is passed through the foam machine to create foam.
The fire is trapped by spraying the foam on the burning material.
The minerals in the foam adhere to the surface of the burning material via enzymes. It prevents reburning of the flammable substance by disrupting its hydrocarbon structure.
It consists of resin-based, enzyme-based, active minerals developed with NANO technology for extinguishing hydrocarbon fires. It is organic and does not harm the environment.